
Mosspits Lane

Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

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Our main communication channel for parents is Class Dojo. Our staff post photos and information reguarly to keep you fully updated on things happening within each year group. If you have not yet signed up to Class Dojo, please contact the school office.

  • Mental Health Workshops for Parents

    Thu 05 Mar 2020 Kirsty Ainsworth

    On Tuesday 24th March (1pm) and Wednesday 25th March (4:30pm) we will be holding workshops for parents with a focus on mental health.

    As a school we have been looking at our provision for supporting children who struggle with their mental health and emotional wellbeing. We have attended training and have been liaising with external agencies to help us deepen our knowledge and understanding as we recognise the importance of this. Lots of parents have expressed an interest in finding out more about mental health and how they can best support their children at home. The workshops are an opportunity for you to come along and find out more about the signs and symptoms, early help, intervention and also what support is available.  The session will be led by two Education Mental Health Practitioners (EMHP). They will provide you with information but will also welcome any questions you may have.

    If you are interested in attending any of the sessions please contact the PA  - and they will allocate a space for you.


    Thank you for your support with this.
