
Mosspits Lane

Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4
Updated September 2024
Mrs Sanderson 4S
Mr Toy 4T
Gates open from 8.45am
Line up at 8:50am

 On PE days, the children will be coming into school in their PE kits.

PE - Thursday

Swimming - Wednesday

For swimming sessions, please make sure that children have swimming kit, towel & a swimming cap. Children are not allowed to wear any jewellery, and will be made to take earrings out, Can you please support us in this by taking out earrings before our swimming sessions. 


Autumn 1 Class Text



This will  be set on Thursdays and once the children are set up with logins, this will be sent out via class dojo.

Most weeks it will consist of spellings, Mymaths, Purple Mash, Times Tables Rockstars & Reading Buddy

Spellings - We are using the Read Write Inc spelling programme. The children will have spelling sessions everyday with a check of the sounds they have been practising taking place on Mondays. Please find the spellings here.

Times Tables Rockstars - different times tables will be set each week for children to practice. Here is the times tables we will be practising each term. 
Mymaths - homework on here will be based on what the children have recently been working on in school.
Reading Buddy - Children to login and read each day using Reading Buddy.

Purple Mash - Extra Homework and games will be set on here. 

The children will be given usernames and passwords for all these sites,

but if you need them again, then please let your child's teacher know.


Stay in contact with us by tweeting @MosspitsYear4

sending a message on class DOJO

or sending an email to Mrs Sanderson or Mr Toy via


Childline: 0800 1111

Bullybusters: 0800 169 6928
