
Mosspits Lane

Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

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Match-funding Can you help?

Dear Parents/Carers,

Re: Match Funding

You will hopefully be aware of the work the Parents’ Association does to fund enrichment activities at Mosspits Lane School - such as the ‘Birds of Prey’ day, Health and Wellbeing week etc. We wanted to take this opportunity to remind you about match funding schemes and how they could raise double the funds for the Parents’ Association.

An increasing number of large companies operate a match funding scheme whereby they ‘match’ charity fundraising undertaken by their employees. These organisations set aside millions of pounds to fund such schemes as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes.

As the Parents’ Association is a registered charity we are in a position to benefit from these schemes.

We understand that the high street banks, building societies, supermarkets and large corporations are likely to do match funding, but these schemes are not exclusive to the major corporate giants. If you work for an independent company, they may be interested in charitable giving through match funding too.

We would be grateful if you could see if your employer has a match funding scheme, or if they are willing to match fund any of our events. This would significantly increase our PA funds to support school in creative and enrichment activities which would benefit every child.

If you are able to help us this way, please email so we can discuss your companies’ requirements.

Thank you for your support,



Mosspits Parents’ Association
