
Mosspits Lane

Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

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Music curriculum at Mosspits Lane


The school uses the Charanga model music scheme from EYFS  to Year 6. This is a modern, exciting music scheme, with many of the resources online and interactive.


This programme slowly and incrementally becomes more complex to allow for regular practise and linking of ideas over time, in order for children to develop long-term memory of concepts and skills.  This is designed to allow them to develop greater automaticity by the end of KS2. 


Charanga units of work are divided into 6 steps spread across each half term. The activities and games cover the musical dimensions, (formerly elements – pulse, rhythm, pitch etc) through singing and playing instruments, listening and creating music – all intrinsically linked through a central song or piece.


This music curriculum sets pathways for progression that enable pupils to develop their musical knowledge.

Progress in music requires pupils to develop musically across 3 pillars that interrelate in musicianship.

  • The first pillar is the ‘technical’ development necessary for pupils to translate their intentions successfully into sound. This involves instrumental playing or singing.

  • The second pillar is the ‘constructive’ pillar.   Children learn how musical components come together both analytically and in the creative process.

  • The third pillar, the ‘expressive’ pillar, is focused on the quality, meaning and creativity of music.

Curricular content supports pupils in developing these 3 pillars, which in turn support the activities of performing, composing and listening. 




In addition to the full music curriculum, children have the opportunity to take part in small group music tuition with peripatetic teachers from Front Row, Rocksteady or Paul Thomas Music.  


Children have the opportunity to perform for their parents and other pupils to showcase their learning.  


A choir also runs at the school as an after-school club.  Mr Harbottle supports children in Y2-Y6 to sing for pleasure, learning increasingly challenging songs and providing opportunities to perform for the local community (for example school fairs and open mornings) and at larger scale events, such as Young Voices at Manchester Arena.  


All children partake in regular singing assemblies, providing children with additional opportunities to develop their accuracy, confidence and expression when singing and responding to music.
