
Mosspits Lane

Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

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Year 2



Updated: September 2024


Class teachers: Mrs Griffiths and Miss Brown.

Mrs Johnson will teach in Year 2 on Thursday and Friday. 

Support staff: Mrs Latif, Miss Bailey, Mrs Lai and Mr Swift


Up-to-date information can now be accessed on the Class Dojo platform. 


Reading: Please continue to read daily with your child. Children will be given a both a phonics and library reading book each Friday. These should be returned on Wednesday. 

Homework: Homework will be posted on Dojo or sent home on Fridays.


P.E.: Children should come in in P.E. kits with a coat for playtimes.

PE days for 2B is Tuesday and Thursday.

PE days for 2G is Thursday and Friday.


Children should bring in a water bottle everyday, labelled with their name.

Please ensure all clothing items are labelled clearly.



Please feel free to contact teachers through Class Dojo or the school office if you need any more support or information. 
