RE Rationale
Mosspits Lane Primary School celebrates its diversity: it is home to a range of religions, cultures and nationalities. We believe that Religious Education provides opportunities to celebrate our diversity; it is a subject for all pupils, whatever their family background and personal beliefs and practices. Through Religious Education lessons, children gain knowledge, understanding and empathy towards various cultures across the globe and most importantly, within our own school community.
RE Intent
Religious Education has National Guidelines but the local SACRE (Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education) has created a Locally Agreed Syllabus and a model scheme of work.
We have implemented the SACRE syllabus for RE in EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2.
In Years 3-6, we have implemented a new scheme of work called 'Opening Worlds' from the Haringey Partnership, which has been designed by Christine Counsell and Steve Mastin, leading experts in the field of Humanities. One of the huge benefits of this is that it is a humanities project, with planned units in RE, Geography and History that are designed to create a wonderful sense of how these subjects are interconnected. This has ensured that our RE curriculum now has even greater scope, rigour, coherence and sequencing as a result of these links.
The RE curriculum map gives an overview of how both the SACRE and Opening Worlds schemes fit together across the school.
Through use of both of these schemes, we intend our children to deepen their understanding of religion around the world and link cultural heritage to the beliefs and values people hold within each different religion.
RE Implementation
RE is taught from EYFS to Y6. EYFS and KS1 children record their thoughts and ideas in their class 'Big Book'. This allows children to share their learning with others and discuss their opinions and feelings. Through sharing their work in the class book, children feel part of a community where all opinions and feelings are valued. The SACRE scheme encourages children to look at artefacts and stories from different religions and link them to our life today.
In KS2, children have their own RE book to record their learning and understanding. RE in KS2 links with both History and Geography , therefore giving children to the opportunity to understand how religions around the world began and pinpoints the locality religions originated from. Storytelling is a major factor in RE. Children learn through storytelling, this allows for a deeper and more meaningful understanding.