If your child is due to start Reception in September, you must apply directly to the local authority. Applications are made through the Liverpool City Council Portal: https://liverpool.gov.uk/schools-and-learning/school-admissions/ below to make an application.
Please see our policy for details of in-year admissions.
KS1 and KS2
Children can be admitted to the infant and junior department via in-year transfers which are to be made directly to the school if your child is currently in a different school in Liverpool. If your child is classed as 'New to City', an application will need to be made by the Liverpool City Council portal. For further information, visit: https://liverpool.gov.uk/schools-and-learning/school-admissions/
The school office staff will be able to give further information on this.
If the school is oversubscribed, priority is given on the following criteria:
Priority 1
Priority 2
Priority 3
Priority 4
Please note that proof of address in two forms will be requested following acceptance of a place at Mosspits Lane Primary School.
Year 1 - Year 6 Children
If you are interested in your child starting at Mosspits Lane Primary School, you can phone the school office to arrange a visit; we’ll be pleased to show you around. If your child currently attends a Liverpool School, the school will speak with us and endeavour to support you with your application.
School office 0151 722 1716, e - office@mosspits.com
All secondary school applications are completed online via the local authority. Please find the link below for further information.