
Mosspits Lane

Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

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Admissions Policy

How can parents and carers apply for a place at this school?


Reception Admission

If your child is due to start Reception in September, you must apply directly to the local authority.  Applications are made through the Liverpool City Council Portal: below to make an application.  


Please see our policy for details of in-year admissions. 


KS1 and KS2

Children can be admitted to the infant and junior department via in-year transfers which are to be made directly to the school if your child is currently in a different school in Liverpool.  If your child is classed as 'New to City', an application will need to be made by the Liverpool City Council portal.  For further information, visit:

The school office staff will be able to give further information on this. 


If the school is oversubscribed, priority is given on the following criteria:


Priority 1

  • Looked after children in the care of the local authority.
  • Children who are looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order).

Priority 2

  • Children with exceptional medical needs/social needs.  Applicants wishing to be considered under this criterion should submit documentary evidence.  Information will be reviewed and if so necessary advice may be taken from educational professionals.

Priority 3 

  • Children with a sibling attending the school.

Priority 4

  • All other applicants who have expressed a preference for the school.


Please note that proof of address in two forms will be requested following acceptance of a place at Mosspits Lane Primary School.


Year 1 - Year 6  Children

If you are interested in your child starting at Mosspits Lane Primary School, you can phone the school office to arrange a visit; we’ll be pleased to show you around.  If your child currently attends a Liverpool School, the school will speak with us and endeavour to support you with your application. 


School office 0151 722 1716, e -

Headteacher Presentation to Parents and EYFS Leaflet - Prospective parents

How do parents and carer apply for a place at secondary school?

All secondary school applications are completed online via the local authority. Please find the link below for further information. 



