
Mosspits Lane

Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

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Year 1

Updated: December 2024

Class teacher: Miss McGing Class teacher: Mrs Culshaw
Student Teacher:  Miss LundStudent Teacher: 

School Times

Gates open: 8.45 am - whistle is blown at 8.50 am

Lunchtime: 12.00 - 1pm

End of day: 3.30 pm


1C:  PE - wear kit to school 

1C & 1M:  PE - wear kit to school


1M: PE - wear kit to school


Homework and Reading Books

to be sent in/completed.


Homework and Reading Books

sent home.



Children should bring in a water bottle everyday, labelled with their name. 

Please ensure all clothing items are labelled clearly.


Milk orders:  all milk now needs to be ordered through Dairylink.  The contact details you need to order and pay for milk are:  Dairylink:  The named contact is Jo Jones:  01443 741 481.  She can be contacted directly at  



We are following Read Write Inc in phonics.

To find out more information please check out


For information about what is happening around school

follow our school Twitter feed 




We will post information on Class Dojos - remember the message system is useful for short communication

but important information should be sent via the school office.


Telephone: 0151 722 17 16



Maths Parent booklet to help support your child with Place Value and Addition and Subtraction
