
Mosspits Lane

Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

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Year 5

  Welcome to Year 5 


Miss Vernon 5V

Mrs Kennedy 5K


Arrival time: 8.50am

Pick up time: 3:30pm


Year 5 children are allowed to leave the school gates to meet an adult after school.

Permission slips for this will be available to collect from class teacher when you feel ready from September. 


PE Days

5V - Tuesday & Wednesday

5K - Tuesday & Wednesday


Weekly Homework Tasks

Your child should be reading at home every night, even if only for 10 minutes. Reading is the single, largest indicator of children's progress in the future so it is vital that we encourage and praise children reading at home. Please ensure your child reads for 10 minutes each night after school. If possible, build in a time once or twice a week to read with your child and chat about their book. Pass your child's book back to school as soon as it is finished so we can move them onto another (potentially more challenging) book.


Homework activities will be set every Friday. Homework should be completed on MyMaths each week and every other week (fortnightly). Children should spend time each week on TT Rockstars, practising their times tables. At the beginning of the year, each parent will be sent  their child's login details for the above websites. If you are unsure of any login details, please use Class Dojo to contact your class teacher.  A spelling test will take place every week based on the spellings covered in class.




Childline: 0800 1111

Bullybusters: 0800 169 6928
