Science Rationale
At Mosspits Lane, we are committed to providing all pupils with every opportunity to experience, engage in and enjoy Science. This happens through a spiral curriculum, which enables our pupils to revisit learning, make connections with and build upon valuable skills and knowledge, enabling them to explore, discover and explain the material world around them.
Science Intent
Our provision begins in EYFS through the “Understanding World: the natural world” aspect of the curriculum. We approach this through the use planned and in the moment enquiries alongside the use of “I wonder..” questions. These questions link to the ‘Big Ideas in Science’ which are used to assess the learning of our pupils from EYFS through to Year 6.
Our scheme of learning prioritises building knowledge of key concepts and the evidence for it before it is applied in practical work, this helps our pupils to make connections in their learning.
Vocabulary is taught explicitly and is rigorously practised and used, in context, to ensure meaning and understanding.
In KS1 and Year 6 we use Science Bug from Pearson Education Ltd. as a framework for our scheme of work. In Years 3 to 5, we are part of a pilot scheme with Haringey Education Partnership (HEP Science). We are developing the HEP Science model across the school because it enhances the approaches already used in the school and builds on the successful pedagogy used in the Humanities.
Science Implementation
In KS1 and KS2, Science is usually taught in a weekly session (the duration of this can vary from 45 to 90 minutes, depending on the learning focus and the age/phase of the pupils).
Sessions usually consist of:
Learning can be recorded in individual science books or in the Science Big Book.
Throughout the science curriculum, pupils are encouraged to orally rehearse and structure their thoughts, using scientific vocabulary. Sometimes scientific texts are used to familiarise pupils with key vocabulary and concepts.
Alongside the acquisition of key concepts and evidence for them, we also ensure that our pupils develop the knowledge and skills needed to work scientifically, these include: