
Mosspits Lane

Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

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Kitted Out - Leaflet

The table below sets out expectations for school uniform at our school:


Non-PE days

Full school uniform is expected to be worn on non-PE days           

PE days

Children are permitted to wear PE kits on PE days

Winter/Spring Uniform

-a white polo shirt for EYFS pupils only (Compulsory and branded)

-a white shirt (Compulsory and unbranded)

-a Mosspits tie (Compulsory for Y1 upwards - reviewed by Governors Spring 2024)

-a Mosspits jumper or cardigan (Compulsory and branded)

-grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress (Compulsory and unbranded)

-black school shoes (no sports shoes, please)(Compulsory and unbranded)


Summer Uniform:

During the summer, pupils may wear:

- white, branded or unbranded polo shirts or white, unbranded shirts (short or long sleeved)

- grey shorts, trousers, pinafore dress, skirt or a navy blue and white checked summer dress (unbranded) 

- Ties are not compulsory during the Summer term only

- black school shoes (no sports shoes please)

-a jumper (Mosspits hooded sweatshirt, Mosspits sweatshirt or a Mosspits pullover)

-a polo shirt with the Mosspits logo embroidered or a plain white, unbranded t-shirt

-Mosspits jogging pants or plain royal blue jogging pants / Mosspits PE shorts or plain royal blue PE shorts (Branded or Unbranded)

- Trainers or plimsoles 



School uniform can be ordered and paid for directly from our suppliers 'The Uniform Factory' using the following link: 


From June 2023 'Kitted Out'




Unbranded items can be purchased at any retailer 


Second hand uniform sales are organised by the school Parents' Association at £1 per item


Please label every item of clothing with your child's name, so that lost items can be reunited with their owners.






