
Mosspits Lane

Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

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Contact Details

Headteacher: Mrs V Corbett

Deputy Headteacher: Mrs K Owens

Assistant Headteachers: Miss K McGing & Mrs L Davison


Safeguarding Lead: Miss K McGing

Deputy Safeguarding Lead: Miss K Ainsworth, Mrs. V. Corbett, Mrs. K. Owens, Miss. L. Davison

Inclusion lead (& SENDCO): Miss K Ainsworth


School Office staff:

Mrs Taylor (School Bursar)

Mrs Sumner

Ms Rowson

Mrs. Collins



School Address:

Mosspits Lane Primary School
Mosspits Lane
L15 6UN


If you need to speak to someone at school, please telephone or email the school office using the following:


Telephone: 0151 722 1716



Please contact the office if you require any paper copies of information uploaded to our website.


Our office staff (Miss. Rowson, Mrs. Sumner or Ms. Collins) will often be able to answer questions and access information for you. If not, they will ensure that queries are forwarded to the appropriate staff member in school.

Contact Form

Fill this in to ask a question.
