Times Tables Rockstars
Times Tables Rockstars is a computer programme which the school has brought to help support the learning of times tables, particularly in preparation for the National Times Tables check which year 4 children will taking part in at the end of that academic year. It is fun and competitive program with several different types of games which the children can play on at home, one being earning points for their 'rock status' and receiving certificates with it.
Children in years 2, 3 and 4 will still be set a particular times table to practise each week for homework. However, instead of having a weekly times tables test in school, the children will be completing a 3 minute challenge 3 times a week based on the times tables they have been learning. The 3 minute challenge is a list of questions from the programme based on that week's times tables and the children have to see how many questions they can answer correctly in the 3 minutes. By doing the challenge 3 times during the week, we would hope that the children would practice at home for short periods during the week and therefore their challenge scores would go up from their first attempt in the week to their final attempt in the week.
If you have any further questions about Times Tables Rockstars, please speak with your child's teacher or myself, Miss Lisney.