
Mosspits Lane

Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

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At Mosspits, we recognise the importance of children becoming confident speakers and readers in the process of learning to write. We encourage children to take pride in what they write and have ownership of the choices they make in relation to the audience and purpose of their writing. We plan engaging units of work based on quality texts to enthuse and motivate our children. These core texts are carefully chosen to ensure children meet vocabulary-rich, diverse and stimulating books that broaden their understanding and challenge their thinking.



In order to deliver a rich curriculum, with a clear progression of skills, we follow the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum (2014). Our  planning and teaching is also underpinned by the Talk for Writing approach. An important aspect of this process is the children internalising language and structural features of a ‘model text’ and then using these to write. Children are exposed to high-quality fiction, non-fiction and poetry model texts which provide a stimulus for them to write for a variety of audiences and purposes. They are given chance to analyse, imitate and innovate each model text to appreciate it both as a reader and a writer. In fiction writing, these model texts are designed progressively around key ‘story plots’ which children meet repeatedly. Non-fiction texts are chosen to be meaningful and engaging in relation to the quality text while also making links to children's lives and cross-curricula learning.


In Early Years, each half term will focus around a core, driver text. This will provide a stimulus for both adult led and continuous provision activities. A key aspect of these activities will be the acquisition of new vocabulary and a meaningful, engaging introduction into the writing process. Children will learn handwriting and spelling during 'Read Write Inc. Phonics' sessions and will have led English lessons where they use the 'story mapping' technique from Talk 4 Writing to orally retell fiction and non-fiction texts. Children will be given a change to innovate these story maps to retell their own versions of stories using key vocabulary. They also will participate in purposeful teacher-led writing activities by composing ideas in speech before writing them down. Children will be exposed to range of books, poems and nursery rhymes in Early Years that are chosen to expand their understanding of the world and allow them to empathise with, take enjoyment from and question a variety of texts.

In KS1 and KS2, teaching of writing at Mosspits comes under four main strands:


Writing is taught daily to all classes. Teachers follow a lesson sequence which moves through the writing process (see pdf below). In order to compose a piece of writing, children are taught to plan and write their work both in shared or guided sessions and independently. Another important element of the writing process is editing. Explicit editing lessons allow children to develop the skills of an editor and use these to improve and redraft the work they produce. Throughout each year, children are given the opportunity to write a range of poetry, fiction and non-fiction texts.

Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation
Objectives taken from the National Curriculum are taught explicitly every day at the start of each English lesson. Children are introduced to a new focus each week and are given chance to see it in context, build up their use of it orally and use it in targeted writing. This learning is then thread through writing planning allowing children to apply the skills they have learned.


In Reception and Year 1, children meet spelling rules during daily 'Read Write Inc. Phonics' sessions. Children in Year 2-6 are taught spelling using ‘Read Write Inc. Spelling’, in line with our Phonics teaching. These sessions also happen daily and corresponding spelling lists are sent home for children to practise.  

At Mosspits, we follow the ‘Nelson’ scheme for handwriting which is a whole-school programme designed to help all children develop a confident, legible and personal handwriting style. The programme includes online resources to allow for spelling pattern practice. Children are encouraged to take pride in the presentation of their work in all curriculum subjects. 
