
Mosspits Lane

Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

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Health and Wellbeing Week 2017

Health and Wellbeing week 2017 has  been AMAZING!


We have been joined by many visitors who have taught us skills in a range of sports, including tennis, martial arts, athletics, basketball, football, lacrosse, dance and hockey. Some of our visitors focussed our attention on wellbeing and we were lucky to be joined by Kate Norfolk who led massage sessions (as part of the 'Massage in Schools' programme) and nurses from the School health team who gave us tips on effective hand washing. Each class visited the allotment area; our polytunnel classroom was well used and many tomato seeds were planted. Thank you to Mrs Clews for your support with that brilliant activity.


On the first Monday, we had a specific focus for the day: 'Learning to Lead'. The children learned how to lead sporting activities for small groups in their classes. Mike Dooling MBE from the Liverpool Harriers worked with Year 5 children, teaching them how to officiate in Athletics. We made links with a local high school, Calderstones and they kindly released a team of young leaders to come and lead sessions for our children. This was a fantastic sessions and their young people were brilliant role models to our children.


Throughout the week Mr Kelly, our Sports Coach, ran our British Heart Foundation fundraising activities: Ultimate Dodgeball and Jump Rope. Please consider sponsoring your child for these events and were possible, reach out to extended family members and friends too. 80% of the money raised goes directly to the charity and 20% of the money comes back to school.


We finished off the week with our annual 'Dress and Fruit/Veg' competition and each and every single entry is BRILLIANT!


What a week!
