
Mosspits Lane

Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

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Year 6

Year 6

Class Teachers - Mrs Redmond and Mr Turner

Learning Support - Miss Robinson
P.E. Coach - Mr Cunningham

PPA Cover (History and French) - Mrs Owens

Please see Year Group Curriculum Map below for Autumn Term topics.
Any news or messages will be posted via ClassDojo to parents. Please contact your child's teacher if you are not connected to their class.




Things to note:

  • P.E. lessons will be on Monday and Wednesday - please come in full kit. 
  • Pencil cases can be brought in daily or left in school - they must fit into your tray.
  • Homework will be given out on Friday (either via ClassDojo or hard copies) and should be returned on or before Wednesday the following week.
  • Spellings will be posted half termly.
  • Reading books must be brought in daily with reading record. We ask that children aim to read at least ten minutes independently at home each day. We have a full library of quality texts at school but are happy for children to read age-appropriate books from home.
  • Children are permitted to bring mobile phones into school but they are to be left in a locked drawer throughout the day. 
  • Any parents/carers who wish for their child to walk home alone must give written permission to the child's class teacher before the end of the school day. 
  • Class timetable and curriculum overviews are subject to change during the school year.



