Dear Parents,
I write to inform you that this term's Open Evenings are on Monday 10th October 4:00 – 6:30pm and Thursday
19th October 5:00 – 7:30pm.
There will be an appointment system in operation with parents meeting privately with their child's class teacher.
Exercise books will be available for viewing prior to your appointment outside your child's classroom.
Appointments will be for 5 -10 minutes. If you feel you will need longer than this to discuss your child's progress
please do not hesitate to arrange an appointment for another day.
Please can I remind you that the school has no child minding facilities available at open evenings and we ask that
you make your own arrangements to mind your child(ren).
Please complete the reply slip on letters sent out with pupils (copies attached in Letters also) and return it to school by Monday 2nd October so that your child's teacher can make arrangements to meet with you.
If you have more than one child in school please indicate that below and we will endeavour to make appointments for your children that are as close together as possible.
Yours sincerely,
Miss L. Everitt