We are very proud to announce that we have been awarded the Early Years Basic Skills Quality Mark which is for 3 years.
Feedback from the assessment procedure was fantastic and the following was highlighted:
- Robust transition processes mean that children settle quickly and are excited and ready to learn.
- Home visits, open days and visits to children’s previous settings support children in feeling welcomed into the school.
- Children’s relationships with each other and with their familiar adults was observed to be strong,
- Careful planning ensures that adult-led activities and continuous provision meet the needs of all children.
- Staff are skillful at engaging the children and in moving their learning forward.
- Staff in the EYFS are dedicated and seem fully committed to providing the highest quality provision to support children’s development in Mathematics, Literacy and Technology.
- Areas of provision are thoughtfully planned and take account of children’s interests.
- Soft lighting, drapes and natural resources all contribute to the overall sense of calm in the classrooms and outdoor areas.
- Staff ensure that children develop good dispositions and attitudes to learning and allow the children to thrive in a warm and welcoming environment.
- Children have access to a wide range of books. Books are available in all areas of provision as are writing materials. The children spoke enthusiastically about books and were excited to show their various reading dens during the learning walk.
- The governor interviewed was very well informed about the priorities for EYFS and how these fit into the whole school development plan. The governor spoke positively about ways in which basic skills are taught in the EYFS.
- Home school links are well embedded and the parents interviewed felt well-informed about their children’s learning. Parents spoke positively about their children’s learning while in the reception class and were pleased with the support that children had received on transition to year 1.
- Parents described maths and literacy homework as fun and engaging. They also commented that they enjoyed the 'wow' moments as an opportunity to celebrate children’s achievements at home. Parents also spoke positively about the face to face communication at school as well as alternative ways in which they are able to communicate with EYFS staff for example via email.
- Parents/carers are given many opportunities throughout the year to find out how children learn basic skills. A curriculum meeting is held at the beginning of the year which offers parents an overview of the activities that children will be involved in during their reception year. A phonics meeting is also held in the autumn term. Parents/carers are invited to Stay and Play sessions each term as well as other events such as an EYFS afternoon tea party and reception/year 1 disco.
- The EY staff, headteacher, parents, governors and children are all very proud of their EYFS. The dedication of the staff and support of the leadership team and parents ensure that children are given the best possible start to their education.
- The behaviour of pupils during the learning walk was excellent. Children were enthusiastically involved in their learning and keen to share what they were doing.
We are delighted with this outcome and congratulate all of our staff and stakeholders for the work that has gone into this process.