We’re participating in #BigPedal 19-30 April 2021, the UK’s largest inter-school active travel competition. There are lots of terrific prizes to be won!
The theme is amazing journeys and children will be able to take part whether they are travelling to school or learning remotely - http://bigpedal.org.uk
It would be a great opportunity to leave the car at home or park and ride (a good place would be in the Mystery car park and walk up). Walking, cycling and riding a scooter (not the electric ones though) all count! Every adult talking part with a child also counts towards our total but we need photographs as proof - you could tweet them out (use the tag @mosspitslane and #BigPedalMosspits) or post them on your child's profile on Class Dojos.
Family Competition
Take a photo or video of you and your family taking part in Big Pedal between 19 – 30 April for the chance to win amazing prizes.
Post on social media using the tags
@Sustrans and use #BigPedalWin to enter.
It's been over a year since we've taken part in something like this. Let's make this the biggest one yet!