Reverse Advent Calendar: Micah Liverpool Food Bank
Dear Parents and Carers,
This year, Mosspits would like to support a great cause that will help us to contribute to the Micah Liverpool Food Bank, who are running a fantastic campaign called the Reverse Advent Calendar. In support of this, over the next two weeks we are encouraging our classes to bring in one item each week if possible. Our contributions will be greatly appreciated and help those in our community who are struggling, especially at this time of year. As a result of this, we are asking each year group/class to collect and bring in the items listed below:
Any additional donations will also be very gratefully received.
For further information about this cause please visit:
Thank you for supporting the Reverse Advent Calendar. Please send in all donations by Friday 14th December 2018.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs Kelly-Kirkwood and Class 4KW