
Mosspits Lane

Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

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Macmillan Coffee Morning Thursday 28th September

Dear Parents, 


You are invited to join us for a Coffee (and Cake) Morning on Thursday 28th September at 9.00 - 10:30am in the Lower School Hall. Please access the hall via the entrance on Mosspits Lane. 


A piece of cake / biscuits and a cup of tea/coffee will be available for a suggested donation of £1.00. Any additional donations will be greatly appreciated; all proceeds will go to MacMillan Cancer Support Charity. 


We would greatly appreciate any donations of cake. These can brought into school from Monday 25th until the afternoon of Wednesday 27th September. 


Any remaining cake will be sold off to the children during Thursday afternoon’s playtime so please send in a small amount of money (no more than 50p) if you would like your child to participate in the cake sell-off. 


Last year’s MacMillan Coffee Morning was a fantastic occasion and we raised lots of money towards cancer support. Please feel free to invite friends, neighbours and family. We hope to see you on Thursday 28th September 9:00 until 10:30am. 


Thank you, 


Miss Everitt
