
Mosspits Lane

Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

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Health and Wellbeing Week 2016

Summer Term 2016




Dear Parents/Carers (and extended family members),


We plan to hold our annual Health and Wellbeing week, from Monday 20th to Friday 24th June 2016. We have an exciting itinerary so far including hula-hooping, hockey, athletics with Liverpool Harriers, metafit and street dance.

We're excited to invite Neil Danns, a British Skateboarding champion, to a school assembly and we will be fundraising for British Heart Foundation by organising a 'Big Skip' and 'Ultimate Dodgeball'. Look out for sponsor forms coming soon. 


Can you help us? Do you have good contacts with sports and health organisations? 


We are looking for any activities you could offer related to any of the following:


  • sports, games and fitness i.e. coaching/fitness sessions,
  • health advice/resources i.e. nutrition and cookery, handwashing, doctor/nurse/dentist
  • wellbeing i.e. mindfulness
  • personal/social i.e. police, fire service, e-safety messages/resources
  • science i.e. human body, effect of exercise
  • gardening/allotment


If you can help in any way, please get in touch. There's a letter in 'Letters' section for April, to fill in a reply slip.

We've already had lots of volunteers already so thank you for this!


Miss L Warn 
