June 20th - 24th 2016
Health and Well-being week is back! Our children have been taking part in activities encouraging healthy lifestyles and physical and mental well-being. We have organised a range of enrichment activities across school for different age groups including hockey, performing arts, hula-hooping, kurling, cricket, metafit, street dance, tennis and an assembly based on safety in water.
As part of the week, we held a Disability Awareness Day on the Monday. We were joined by representatives from MENCAP and had coaches/parents sharing their experiences and skills in wheelchair basketball and blind cricket. Many children took part in asthma awareness workshops and dance/kurling activities with a focus on disability and how it shouldn't stop people accessing sports, fitness and health.
Find out more here, as Educate Magazine came in to do a feature on us:
Children can wear sports clothing and footwear for the entire week; this does not necessarily need to be school PE kit.
Class activities will promote healthy choices such as looking at balanced diets, anti-smoking and being sun-safe and well-being activities such as peer massage, philosophy for children, anti-bullying, e-safety, stranger danger and team building.
On Friday 24th June, we will finish off with our exciting competition, Dress a Fruit/Vegetable, which was a huge success last year. All children are invited to participate. Those who wish to take part will need to bring their dressed vegetable in on the morning of Friday 24thJune. Please name your dressed vegetable (make it as funny as you like!) and ensure labels have your child’s name and class on it too. The entries last year were exceptional! (See letters section for pictures).
A special thank you also to our school Parents’ Association for contributing funds towards bringing in some of the specialist providers and to parents who have volunteered their time to deliver activities.
Many thanks,
Miss L. Warn
(P.E coordinator)