
Mosspits Lane

Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

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Our main communication channel for parents is Class Dojo. Our staff post photos and information reguarly to keep you fully updated on things happening within each year group. If you have not yet signed up to Class Dojo, please contact the school office.

  • Oliver's Cause - an update

    Mon 21 Mar 2016


    Oliver Beazant – Liverpool Echo 15th February 2016


    Dear Parents,


    You may have seen an article in the Liverpool Echo (15th February 2016) about one of our pupils, Oliver Beazant in Year 5.


    Oliver is undergoing lifesaving treatment for a rare cancer of the head, neck and throat. He has had to go to Jacksonville in Florida, USA for Proton Beam Therapy treatment as there is no Proton treatment centre in the UK. Oliver has been there since early January and after undergoing 36 treatments he will return in late March / early April. His parents have had to give up work but still need to meet their living expenses whilst in Florida. To help fund this Oliver’s father has set up a gofundme page in order for donations to be made to support the family over the next few months.


    Mosspits Lane Primary School is also trying to help Oliver and his family by collecting donations. We are very proud to say that £1800 has been raised, which included £500 from the local Rotary Club. Thank you so much for your support; it means a lot to us.


    If you would still like to make a donation either visit the gofundme page at


    Kind regards,

    Miss Everitt


  • Magical Maths club

    Fri 18 Mar 2016

    Professor Poopenshtinken, the mathematical genius, came to visit us last week. He led an assembly for our children (and teachers) where he claimed to be the greatest mathematician ever.  The Professor challenged Miss Gledhill and Miss Lisney to a Maths Race to prove he is the greatest mathematician ever. The Professor used giant magical number rods and stunned them by adding four 4 digit numbers in his head more quickly than the teachers could using calculators. We thought the Professor had got one wrong but he somehow managed to add up four 4 digit numbers on the back of the rods that he hadn't even seen! The children were mesmerised! He told all the children that he could teach them to do this trick (and many others) using only the power of numbers.


    The Professor's friends will be coming back to school after half term (on Thursdays starting 21st April) to run super fun Magical Maths Clubs. The club is for KS2 children and will run for 6 consecutive weeks. 


    This club has all NEW games, tricks and puzzles. 


    Call 01744 776110 or visit to book. Professor Poopenshtinken has told me that a lot of people have booked already and places are going quickly so book now to avoid disappointment.

  • Dyslexia Bronze Award

    Thu 17 Mar 2016

    We are very proud to announce that we have gained the Bronze Dyslexia award in school in recognition for the work that staff put into developing a programme of strategies for children with dyslexia.


    Thanks to Mrs Murphy, the school's lead for Inclusion and SEND,  the staff have been inspired by a series of valuable training activities and projects. This has led to a further improvement in provision for pupils with SEND and an effective, whole school, co-ordinated approach.

  • Parents' Association news

    Mon 14 Mar 2016

    February, 2016


    Parents’ Association Easter Events


    Dear Parents/Carers,


    I am writing to tell you about our forthcoming fundraising events over the next half-term. We are aiming to raise money for a new, sturdier, weatherproof greenhouse and we would appreciate your support.


    • ‘Eyes down’ for our Easter Egg Bingo on Wednesday 23rd March at 3:40pm in the Infant Hall. This has been a popular event with families in the past and is good fun! There are lots of chocolate eggs to win, a raffle prize ‘eggstravaganza’ and refreshments.

    • A non-uniform day on Friday 18th March in exchange for a donation of an Easter Egg which will go towards the Bingo. If you can’t donate a chocolate egg, we ask that your child bring in a voluntary contribution of £1.

    • ‘Decorate an Egg’ competition: each child can bring in a decorated hard-boiled egg on Thursday 31st March to be judged by Miss Everitt on Friday 1st April.


    Our combined Christmas events raised nearly £3000, which have contributed towards the Christmas Pantomime for all the children and the ‘Around the World’ cultural activities, which allow our children to learn more about different cultures and traditions across the world through art, craft, music and dance.


    As ever, we are always looking for new members to either join the committee, or help out at various events. If you can help in any way, please get in touch via or follow us on Twitter @mosspitsPA. The school website has a Parents’ Association section too.


    We’d be particularly interested to hear from anyone whose employer runs a fund matching scheme, or if you shop online, you can raise money for the PA by registering with Easy Fundraising at



    Yours sincerely,

    Jo Jones (Chair of PA)

  • World Book Day 2016

    Thu 03 Mar 2016


    Dear Parents/Carers,

    On Thursday 3rd March, our school will be taking part in a range of activities to enjoy World Book Day. This is a celebration of books and reading and we hope that children enjoy the activities we have planned for them.

    The children have been discussing ideas for celebrating World Book Day. A popular

    suggestion was that children come to school dressed as a character from a book. Therefore, we are inviting children to come to school dressed as a character.

    Children will also be bringing home their World Book Day voucher. This token can either be used for one of the £1 World Book Day books or to get a £1 off any full priced book instead.

    If you would like to get involved during the day and feel that you could contribute in any way, please do get in touch with your child’s teacher.


    Thanks for your support

    Mrs L Griffiths
