
Mosspits Lane

Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

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Oxford Reading Buddy

Once children have completed Read Write Inc they will have access to Oxford Reading Buddy. The pedagogy underpinning Oxford Reading Buddy’s comprehension approach is based on the findings of multiple international studies into how children develop reading comprehension and effective teaching of comprehension.


Key features and benefits of Oxford Reading Buddy

Coaching eBooks that are accompanied by a personalised ‘Reading Buddy’ who models key comprehension strategies, supporting children as they read.


 An extensive eBook library, with hundreds of eBooks from loved and trusted Oxford series such as Treetops, and Project X, providing children with extra practice and consolidating their learning.


Comprehension quizzes that are carefully matched to each eBook, deepening and developing children’s comprehension skills.

Progression for every child that is underpinned by the expertly devised Oxford Levels system, ensuring every child is reading at the appropriate level for their needs.


Detailed progress reports and data to support teachers with insights into each child’s attainment and reading development, so they can quickly pinpoint where extra support is needed.


An in-built reward system, where children gain badges as they progress in their reading, building motivation into every step of their reading journey.


Accessible via any mobile device, so it’s perfect for use in school and at home.


Supporting at home

Please log in to Oxford Reading Buddy and make reading part of your daily routine. Record the book your child has read in their white reading record and keep sending these into school. When your child is taking a quiz, please try to provide a quiet workspace for them. Please let your child’s class teacher know, if you need any further support with reading or would prefer physical books to go home.
