
Mosspits Lane

Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

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Parents' Association news

February, 2016


Parents’ Association Easter Events


Dear Parents/Carers,


I am writing to tell you about our forthcoming fundraising events over the next half-term. We are aiming to raise money for a new, sturdier, weatherproof greenhouse and we would appreciate your support.


  • ‘Eyes down’ for our Easter Egg Bingo on Wednesday 23rd March at 3:40pm in the Infant Hall. This has been a popular event with families in the past and is good fun! There are lots of chocolate eggs to win, a raffle prize ‘eggstravaganza’ and refreshments.

  • A non-uniform day on Friday 18th March in exchange for a donation of an Easter Egg which will go towards the Bingo. If you can’t donate a chocolate egg, we ask that your child bring in a voluntary contribution of £1.

  • ‘Decorate an Egg’ competition: each child can bring in a decorated hard-boiled egg on Thursday 31st March to be judged by Miss Everitt on Friday 1st April.


Our combined Christmas events raised nearly £3000, which have contributed towards the Christmas Pantomime for all the children and the ‘Around the World’ cultural activities, which allow our children to learn more about different cultures and traditions across the world through art, craft, music and dance.


As ever, we are always looking for new members to either join the committee, or help out at various events. If you can help in any way, please get in touch via or follow us on Twitter @mosspitsPA. The school website has a Parents’ Association section too.


We’d be particularly interested to hear from anyone whose employer runs a fund matching scheme, or if you shop online, you can raise money for the PA by registering with Easy Fundraising at



Yours sincerely,

Jo Jones (Chair of PA)
