
Mosspits Lane

Primary School

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British Science Week - Smashing Stereotypes

British Science Week - Smashing Stereotypes

Our children benefited hugely from special assemblies run by outside organisations such as Mad Science, LSSP and they also experienced a falconry display! A large number of wonderful parents that work within the science and technology industry volunteered to run workshops for our children.  We are so grateful - the workshops covered a range of scientific concepts such as blackholes, the big bang theory, tiny particles around us, the digestive system and genetics just to name a few.


Also, during science week, we took part in a big recycling task. The government wants to build more evidence about what happens to our plastic waste to help put a change to the plastic crisis. By joining thousands of other people for a week and counting all the plastic we throw away we can provide that vital evidence needed. Miss Brown will also be giving out 2 X £10 vouchers for excellent engagement at home.  This also fits in with our value of Eco-Friendly.


See: for further information about this year’s theme.
